i have gained some (litlte)knowledge with python..
i'm on my semester holidays.. so i had some time to dance with that snake.
since way2sms perl script is not working to send sms, because they
rapidly modifying there site.
so i have planned to test my skills with python
by using only mechanize module i have done this.
i have written this code which automate the processes of sending message from indyarocks.
functions much similar the script i previously posted.
read the README file in my repo.
before that install mechanize module by
sudo apt-get install python-mechanize
or install it from software center.
fork it if you interested to improve that script
at first you have to register with indyarocks to send sms
then fill your username and password in it.
then start texting to your friends..
i have hosted the source code on github.
if you have any queries feel free to ask me..
i'm on my semester holidays.. so i had some time to dance with that snake.
since way2sms perl script is not working to send sms, because they
rapidly modifying there site.
so i have planned to test my skills with python
by using only mechanize module i have done this.
i have written this code which automate the processes of sending message from indyarocks.
functions much similar the script i previously posted.
read the README file in my repo.
before that install mechanize module by
sudo apt-get install python-mechanize
or install it from software center.
fork it if you interested to improve that script
at first you have to register with indyarocks to send sms
then fill your username and password in it.
then start texting to your friends..
i have hosted the source code on github.
#!/usr/bin/python import mechanize import cookielib import sys br=mechanize.Browser() cj=cookielib.LWPCookieJar() br.set_cookiejar(cj) br.set_handle_robots(False) br.addheaders=[('User-agent','Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US, rv:1.9.01) Gecko/2008071615 Fedora/16.0.1-1.fc9 Firefox/17=18.0.1')] def gettxt(): print "enter your message : " txt="" while True: line=str(raw_input()) if "$" in line: break else: txt+=line+'\n' return txt def loginsite(): print '>>> pls wait...' br.open('http://indyarocks.com/login') br.select_form(nr=0) br.form['LoginForm[username]']=your user name br.form['LoginForm[password]']=your password br.submit() if 'profile' in br.geturl(): print 'login successfully' else: print 'failed to login' def sendsms(mno,msg): print '>>> sending...' br.open('http://www.indyarocks.com/send-free-sms') br.select_form(nr=1) br.form['FreeSms[mobile]']=mno br.form['FreeSms[post_message]']=msg br.submit() if 'login' in br.geturl(): print 'failed' else: print '>>> sent' def groupsms(book,txt): loginsite() f=open(book) for line in f.readlines(): mno=line.split()[1] print 'sending to : '+line.split()[0] sendsms(mno,txt) print 'done' def logoutsite(): br.open('http://www.indyarocks.com/logout') print 'logout successfully' sys.exit() def main(): if len(sys.argv[:])==1: print ''' ************************************ usage : ./indsms.py mobileno or ./indsms.py file.txt press '$' to terminate the input message ************************************ ''' sys.exit() if '.txt' in sys.argv[1]: msg=gettxt() groupsms(sys.argv[1],msg) logoutsite() else: msg=gettxt() loginsite() sendsms(sys.argv[1],msg) logoutsite() if __name__=='__main__': try: main() except KeyboardInterrupt: print 'aborted by you'
if you have any queries feel free to ask me..
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